National and International Presentations
Lazarus, P. J. (2009, March). Creating safe and supportive learning environments. An invited
                presentation at the National School Safety Summit. Nyack, NY.
Lazarus, P. J. (2009, February). Using a public health model to create safe schools. Paper
presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Boston, MA.
Lazarus, P. J., & Ortega, P. (2009, February). Effective alternatives to retention. Paper
presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Boston, MA.
Lazarus, P. J. (2009, February).The sustained reduction of youth suicidal behavior in a
             multicultural urban school system. Paper presented as part of a symposium entitled
             School based suicide prevention: Research advances and practice implications at the
             annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA.
Lazarus, P. J. (2008, February). Public health, school violence and America’s youth. Paper
             presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.
             New Orleans, LA.
Lazarus, P. J. (2008, February). Preventing grade retention through universal pre-kindergarten
             and universal screening. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National
             Association of School Psychologists. New Orleans, LA.
Lazarus, P.J. (2007, April).Breaking the cycle of bullying and creating a school climate where
 everyone belongs. A symposium delivered at the Kent State Psychology Seminar Series.
 Kent State, OH.
Lazarus, P. J. (2007, April). Out of whack: How the American educational establishment has
 neglected the emotional well-being of its nation’s youth. An address delivered at the
 Kent State Psychology Seminar Series. Kent State, OH.
Lazarus, P. J., & Benson, N. (2007, March). Retention is an ineffective intervention. So
             what are the alternatives? Paper presented at the annual convention of the
             National Association of School Psychologists. New York, NY.
Lazarus, P. J., & Taub, G. (2007, March). The effects of training in timing and rhythm on
             reading achievement. Poster presented at the annual convention of the National
             Association of School Psychologists. New York, NY.
Lazarus, P. J. et. al. (2006, March). The NASP/NEAT school crisis response in the aftermath
of Hurricane Katrina. An invited presentation at the annual convention of the National
Association of School Psychologists. Anaheim, CA.
Lazarus, P. J. (2006, March). School violence, public policy and America’s youth. Paper
presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. 
Anaheim, CA.
Lazarus, P. J., & Lazarus, J. (2006, March). Managing children’s anxiety in a high stakes
 environment. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of
 School Psychologists. Anaheim, CA
Lazarus, P. J. (2005, August). It’s not just about the bully. Invited presentation to the second
 annual convention of VIRTUS coordinators. Chicago, IL
Lazarus, P. J. (2006, February). Crisis intervention in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
A half day presentation at the annual conference of the Mississippi Association of   Psychologists
in the Schools.
Lazarus, P. J. (2006, February). Developing your state school psychology crisis response team. A
 half day presentation at the annual conference of the Mississippi Association of
 Psychologists in the Schools.
Lazarus, P J., Feinberg, T., & Zenere, F. (2006, November). Presented four half day workshops
on Helping students and faculty cope in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in Plaquemines Parish,
New Orleans, LA.
Lazarus, P. J., Cash, G., & Pitts, S. (2005, September). Presented a series of four workshops
 across the state of Mississippi on Coping with the immediate aftermath of Hurricane
Lazarus, P. J., & Zenere, F. (2005, March). Tropical trauma: Implications for responding to
            natural disasters in the school community. An invited presentation at the annual convention
            of the National Association of School Psychologists. Atlanta, GA.
Lazarus, P. J., & Buslinger-Clifford, S. (2005, March). The effects of high stakes testing on retention
 practices. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School
 Psychologists. Atlanta, GA.
Lazarus, P. J., & Buslinger-Clifford (2005, April). Referral practices for special education after
the implementation of high stakes testing. Paper presented at the annual convention of
the National Association of School Psychologists. Atlanta, GA.
Lazarus, P. J., & Zenere, F. (2004, April). Reducing suicide in an urban school system. Paper
presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Dallas, TX.
Lazarus, P. J. , Pfohl, W., Brock, S., Jimerson, S., Zenere, F., Lieberman, R., Zenere, F., &
Sieckert, K. (2004, April). Developing state school crisis response teams. An invited
presentation at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Dallas, TX.
Lazarus, P. J. , & Kitson, J. (Symposium Co-Chairs), Jimerson, S., Cash, G., Hobbs, T. &
Satchell, R. (2004, April). Bullying and violence prevention. An invited symposium
presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Dallas, TX.
Lazarus, P. J., & Aberson, B. (2003, October). Bully prevention and the I Can Problem Solve
Program. A two day workshop presented to school personnel of the Catholic Diocese of
Albany, NY.
Lazarus, P. J. (2003, April). Anxiety and the school age child. Paper presented at the
annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologist as part of a
symposium on mental health advocacy. Toronto, Canada.
Lazarus, P. J., & Zenere, F. (2003, April). A 13 year longitudinal study investigating the long
term-effects of a suicide prevention program in a large urban multicultural school system. An
invited presentation (by the President of the American Association of Suicidology) delivered at
the annual convention of American Association of Suicidology. Sante Fe, NM.
Lazarus, P. J., & Poland, S. (2002, August). Violence prevention in the schools. An invited two-
            day workshop delivered to the Catholic diocese of Queens and Brooklyn. Manhattan
            Beach, NY.
Lazarus, P. J., & Poland, S. (2002, November). Violence prevention in the schools. An invited
 all-day workshop delivered to the Catholic diocese of Albany. Albany, NY.
Lazarus, P. J., & Poland, S. (2002, May). School violence prevention. An all day presentation in
             Brooklyn, NY for the Catholic diocese.
Lazarus, P. J., & Poland, S. (2002, April). School violence prevention. An all day presentation in
             Princeton, N.J. for the Catholic diocese.
Lazarus, P. J. (2002, February). Breaking the code of silence: Barriers and strategies. Paper
presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologist, Chicago,
Lazarus, P. J. (2002, February). Suicide prevention and youth: Recommendations for
public policy. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of
School Psychologist . Chicago, IL.
Lazarus, P. J., Zenere, F., Pfohl, W., & Sieckert, K. (2002, February). Developing your state
crisis response team. Special session presented at the annual convention of the National
Association of School Psychologist. Chicago, IL.
Pfohl, W., Lazarus, P. J. & Lieberman, R. (2002, February). Debriefing strategies following a
crisis. A workshop presentation presented at the annual meeting of Trainers of School
Psychologists. Chicago, IL.
Lazarus, P., & Poland, S. (2001, October). School violence prevention. An all day workshop
presented to the schools of the Catholic diocese of Chicago. Chicago, IL.
Lazarus, P. J. & Zenere, F.   (2001, April). Developing your state school crisis response team.
 A special session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of
 School Psychologists. Washington, DC.
Pfohl, W., Feinberg, T., Lazarus, P. J., Zenere, F., & Sieckert, K. (2001, April). Training trainers
in school crisis prevention and intervention. A workshop presented at the
annual meeting of Trainers of School Psychologists. Washington, DC.
Lazarus, P. J. (2000, March). Crisis prevention and intervention in the schools. The featured
all day CEU workshop at the Annual Spring Conference of the West Virginia School Psychology
Association. Morgantown, WV.
Lazarus, P. J. (2000, January). Preventing youth suicide: A risk assessment approach. 
            Featured symposium at the Annual Meeting of the National Catholic Risk Assessment
            Group. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Poland, S., Feinberg, T., Lazarus, P. J., Zenere, F., Pfohl, W. & Siekert, K. (2000, July). Crisis
             intervention in the schools. An all day CEU workshop presented at the
            annual convention of the International School Psychology Association. Durham, N.H.
Lazarus, P. J., & Brock, S. (2000, April). Responding to the media in the aftermath of
            school violence. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National
             Association of School Psychologists. New Orleans, LA.
Young, M., Zenere, F., Lieberman, R., Feinberg, T., Pfohl, W., Lazarus, P. J., & Seikert, K. 
(2000, April). NEAT/NOVA workshop. An all day CEU workshop presented at the annual
convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. 
            New Orleans, LA.
Lazarus, P. J.  (2000, February). Crisis prevention and intervention in the schools. The
             pre-conference all day CEU workshop at the annual spring conference of the
            Texas School Psychology Association. Grapevine, TX.
Lazarus, P. J. (2000, January). Preventing youth suicide: A risk assessment approach. 
Featured symposium at the annual meeting of the National Catholic Risk Assessment Group.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Lazarus, P. J.  (1999, July). Emotional intelligence: A paradigm for education in the next
             millennium. Invited keynote address at the International School Psychology
            Association Colloqium. Kreuzlingen, Switzerland.
Lazarus, P. J.  (1999, July). Symposium chair. Developing an international response to crisis
            in the schools. A symposium presented at the International School Psychology
            Association Colloqium. Kreuzlingen, Switzerland.
Lazarus, P. J. , Siekert, K., & Pfohl, W. (1999, July). Responding to crisis in the schools. A
half day workshop presented at the International School Psychology Association Colloqium. 
Kreuzlingen, Switzerland.
Mullins, A., Bower, J., Stockton, B., Massone, V., Christiansen, T., Paine, C., Feinberg, T.,
Lazarus, P. J. , Lieberman, R., Pfohl, W., Poland, S., Siekert, K., & Zenere, F. (1999, April). Advice
from the front lines: School psychologists who have been there.   (President’s Invited Panel
Presentation). Panel presentation at the annual convention of the National Association of School
Psychologists. Las Vegas, NV.
Young, M., Feinberg, T., Lazarus, P. J. , Lieberman, R., Pfohl, B., Poland, S., Sieckert, K., &
Zenere, F. (1999, April). NEAT/NOVA workshop. All day workshops presented at the annual convention
of the National Association of School Psychologists. Las Vegas, NV.
Poland, S., & Lazarus, P. J. (1998, November). Crisis intervention in the schools. What have
we learned? Invited workshop at the annual Southeast Regional Leaders Meeting. Savannah, GA.
Lazarus, P. J., & Zenere, F. (1998, April). Developing preventative programs and building
support systems for students displaying suicidal behavior. Paper presented at the annual convention
of National Association of School Psychologists. Orlando, FL.
Shukla, S., & Lazarus, P. J.  (1998, April). Does inclusion work? Show me the data. Paper
             presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists  
            Orlando, FL.
Lazarus, P. J., & Paez, D. (1997, April). Approaches to honestly dealing with the human
            diversity standard. (Invited presentation). Paper presented at the annual meeting of
            the Trainers of School Psychologists. Anaheim, CA.
Feinberg, T., Lazarus, P. J. , Lieberman, R., Poland, S., Sieckert, K. (1997, April). The
            development of the NEAT Team. Paper presented at the annual convention of the
            National Association of School Psychologists. Anaheim, CA.
Lazarus, P. J., & Cash, R. (1996, March). The DSM-IV in clinical and school practice. (Invited
presenter). All day workshop presented at the annual convention of the National Association
of School Psychologists. Atlanta, GA.
Zenere, P. J., & Lazarus, P. J. (1996, March). Suicidal behavior of youth. Trends in a
            multicultural public school system. Paper presented at the annual convention of
            the National Association of School Psychologists. Atlanta, GA.
Lazarus, P. J., & Zenere, F. (1995, March). Acute Stress Disorder and PTSD: Models for
             intervention and prevention. Paper presented at the annual convention of the
            National Association of School Psychologists. Chicago, Il.
Zenere, F., & Lazarus, P. J. (1995, March). Prevention, intervention, and postvention efficacy
            of a district-wide school crisis management program. Paper presented
            at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.
            Chicago, IL.
Lazarus, P. (1995, March). Post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents. Rhode
            Island School Television (a half hour interview of the presenter shown on television in
            Rhode Island). The program objective is to provide psychological information to parents.
Lazarus, P. (1995, March). Psychological interventions with children who experienced PTSD.
             Rhode Island School Television (a 10 minute segment of a half hour program shown on
             television in Rhode Island. The program objective was to provide psychological
             information to parents).
Lazarus, P. J., & Cash, R. E. (1995, June) The DSM-IV in clinical and school practice. Two
            day workshop for DASP/FASP. (Invited presenter). Presented on the Cruise Ship
            Ecstasy, Carnival Cruise Lines. Miami and Bahamas.
Escovar, P. & Lazarus, P. J. (1994, March) Educational implications of social
            facilitation effects with ADHD boys on automatic and effortful processing tasks.
            Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School
            Psychologists. Seattle, WA.
Lazarus, P. J., Jackson, J., & Zenere, F. (1994, March). School psychological services in the
aftermath of a natural disaster: What have we learned? Paper presented at the annual
convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Seattle, WA.
Lazarus, P. (1994, January). Crisis intervention in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
             Research Triangle Symposium. Paper presented at North Carolina State University.
             Raleigh, NC.
Lazarus, P. J., & Phelps, J. (1993, April). Expect the unexpected: Training trainers in
             debriefing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Trainers of School Psychologists.            
             Washington, D.C.       
Lazarus, P. J., & Jackson, J. (1993, April). Hurricane Andrew: Crisis intervention in the
             aftermath. Paper presented at the annual convention of National Association of School
             Psychologists. Washington, D.C.
Lazarus, P. J. (1993, April). The Popcorn Report: Tracking the trends of the future: A
             socioquake on the horizon. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National
             Association of School Psychologists. Washington, D.C.
Lazarus, P. J. & Prado, H. (1990, April). Sleep Terror Disorder: A psychologist's guide
for consultation and intervention. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National
Association of School Psychologists. San Francisco, CA.
Lazarus, P. J. (1989, March). Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by the guided story-
telling technique. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of
School Psychologists. Boston, MA.
Gillespie, B., & Lazarus, P. J. (1988, April). Professional issues related to preschool screening.
             Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School
             Psychologists. Chicago, IL
Lazarus, P. J. , Pancake-Cofield, C., & Jackson, J. (1988, April). Academic achievement and the
shy child. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School
Psychologists. Chicago, IL.
Lazarus, P. J. (1986, April). Considerations in developing a school psychology licensure
exam. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School
Psychologists. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Lazarus, P. J., Bild, R., Diaz, A., Lazarus, J. (1986, April). Multicultural influences on childhood
             psychopathology. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association
             of School Psychologists. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Escovar, P., Alcala, A. & Lazarus, P. J. (1984, April). Role of the school psychologist in a
residential psychiatric facility. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National
Association of School Psychologists. Philadelphia, PA.
Lazarus, P. J., Ludwig, R. P., & Aberson, B. (1983, March). Assessment of selective attention
             deficits in children with learning disabilities. Paper presented at the annual convention
             of the National Association of School Psychologists. Detroit, MI.
Lazarus, P. J., Gavilo M., & Moore, J. (1983, March). Behavioral approaches to
assessing and treating the elective mute child. Paper presented at the annual convention
of the National Association of School Psychologists. Detroit, MI.
Lazarus, P. J. (1983, March). School Psychologist - An innovative role for systems
            change. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School
             Psychologists. Detroit, MI.
Lazarus, P. J. (1982, August). The licensure of Florida school psychologists: Competence,
            criteria and compromise. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American
             Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
Ludwig, R. P., & Lazarus, P. J. (1982, August). The relationship between cognitive control
            and shyness in elementary age children. Paper presented at the annual convention of
            the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
Lazarus, P. J., Jackson, J., Bailey, R. & Rockwell, J. (1982, March). The sun also
            rises: The licensure of Florida school psychologists. Paper presented at the annual
            convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Toronto, Canada.
Ludwig, R. P. & Lazarus, P. J. (1982, March). Differences in cognitive styles between shy
and non-shy children. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National
Association of School Psychologists. Toronto, Canada.
Lazarus, P. J. (1981, June). The implementation of a transcultural model in the  
development of school psychological services for (U.S.) American Indians. Paper presented
at the the Interamerican Society of Psychology Congress (Sociedad Interamericana De Psicologia).
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Lazarus, P. J. (1981, June). Cross-cultural child rearing practices: Implications for school
             psychologists. Paper presented at the Interamerican Society of Psychology Congress
             (Sociedad Interamericana De Psicologia). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Pinnas, R., & Lazarus, P. J. (1981, April). Two non-biased assessment inventories for
             identifying high-risk children. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Council
             for Exceptional Children. New York City, NY.
Lazarus, P. J., & Lavendera, L. (1981, April). Toward least biased assessment of the Native
American child. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School
Psychologists. Houston, TX.
Lazarus, P. J., & Pinnas, R. (1981, April). Identifying high-risk children in a multi-        
cultural environment. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association
of School Psychologists. Houston, TX.
Lazarus, P. J., & Lavendera, L. (1981, February). The development of E.C.E. services with
             Native American children. Paper presented at the convention of the Bilingual Council
             for Exceptional Children. New Orleans, LA.
Lazarus, P. J., (1980, April). The declaration of the Psychological Rights of the Child. Paper
             presented at the National Conference on Global Education at Florida International
             University. Miami, FL.
Lazarus, P. J., & Saunders, J. (1980, April). Deprivation-enhancement fantasy patterns and
sex-role development in children. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National
Association of School Psychologists. Washington, D.C.
Lazarus, P. J., & Fitzgerald, P. (1980, March). The assessment of shyness in children:
Preliminary instrumentation. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American
Personnel and Guidance Association. Atlanta, GA.
Saunders, J., & Lazarus, P. J. (1980, March). Deprivation-enhancement fantasy
            patterns and sex-role development in children. Paper presented at the annual convention
            of the California Association of School Psychologists. Los Angeles, CA.
Lazarus, P. J. (1979, September). Shyness as a self-esteem disorder. Presentation at Loyola
            Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA.
Lazarus, P. J. (1979, March). The educational and clinical application of the Illinois Test of
Psycholinguistic Abilities. Presentation at the California School of Professional Psychology. Berkeley, CA.
Lazarus, P. J. (1979, March). Breaking the shyness barrier: Methods of measurement and
             treatment. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of
             School Psychologists. San Diego, CA.
Lazarus, P. J. (1979, March). A competency based internship: Development, assessment
and implications. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association
of School Psychologists. San Diego, CA